LoL, League of Legends Counter Tips




Living Vengeance

On kill or assist, Varus temporarily gains Attack Damage and Ability Power. This bonus is larger if the enemy is a champion.

Piercing Arrow

Cooldown: 16/15/14/13/12

Cost: 50/55/60/65/70

Range: 925

Varus readies and then fires a powerful shot that gains extra range and damage the longer he spends preparing to fire.

Blighted Quiver

Cooldown: 40

Cost: -

Range: 750

Passive: Varus' basic attacks deal bonus magic damage and apply Blight. Varus' other abilities detonate Blight, dealing magic damage based on the target's maximum Health. Active: Varus empowers his next Piercing Arrow.

Hail of Arrows

Cooldown: 18/16/14/12/10

Cost: 90

Range: 925

Varus fires a hail of arrows that deal physical damage and desecrate the ground. Desecrated ground slows enemies' Move Speed and reduces their self healing and regeneration.

Chain of Corruption

Cooldown: 100/80/60

Cost: 100

Range: 1300

Varus flings out a damaging tendril of corruption that immobilizes the first enemy champion hit and then spreads towards nearby uninfected champions, immobilizing them too on contact.

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