Break the Mold
Rell's Attacks and Abilities deal additional magic damage and steal Armor and Magic Resist on hit.
Shattering Strike
Cooldown: 11/10.5/10/9.5/9
Cost: 50
Range: 600
Rell deals magic damage to units in a line, breaking their shields and stunning them.
Ferromancy: Crash Down
Cooldown: 10
Cost: 40
Range: 450
Mounted: Rell Dismounts, crashing down in her armor, Knocking enemies up and gaining a large Shield. While dismounted, she gains Armor, Magic Resist, Attack Speed, and Attack Range, but is Slowed.
Dismounted: Rell forms her Mount, gaining a burst of speed and Knocking Up the next enemy she attacks.
Dismounted: Rell forms her Mount, gaining a burst of speed and Knocking Up the next enemy she attacks.
Full Tilt
Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10
Cost: 40
Range: 1200
Passive: Rell gains out of combat Move Speed.
Active: Rell and an ally gain ramping Move Speed, doubled toward enemies and each other. Her next Attack explodes, dealing magic damage.
Active: Rell and an ally gain ramping Move Speed, doubled toward enemies and each other. Her next Attack explodes, dealing magic damage.
Magnet Storm
Cooldown: 120/100/80
Cost: 100
Range: 200
Rell explodes in a magnetic fury, violently Pulling nearby enemies toward herself. Then Rell constantly Drags nearby enemies toward herself for a short while, dealing magic damage over time.
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