LoL, League of Legends Counter Tips




Pit Grit

Sett's basic attacks alternate between left and right punch. Right punch is slightly stronger and faster. Sett also hates losing, gaining additional health regeneration based off of his missing health.

Knuckle Down

Cooldown: 9/8/7/6/5

Cost: -


Sett's next two attacks deal additional damage based off of the target's max health. Sett also gains Move Speed while moving towards enemy champions.


Cooldown: 18/16.5/15/13.5/12

Cost: -

Range: 25000

Sett passively stores damage he takes as Grit. On cast, Sett expends all stored Grit to gain a shield and punch an area, dealing true damage in the center and physical damage on the sides.


Cooldown: 16/14.5/13/11.5/10

Cost: -

Range: 490

Sett pulls in all enemies on opposite sides of him, dealing damage and stunning them. If enemies were only on one side, they are slowed instead of stunned.

The Show Stopper

Cooldown: 120/100/80

Cost: -

Range: 400

Sett carries an enemy champion through the air and slams them into the ground, dealing damage and slowing all enemies near where they land.

Like many top lane bruisers, Sett also has a passive□ of enhanced HP regen which allows him to out-sustain his lane opponents. Not only that, Sett’s passive□ also empowers his basic attacks long with his Q□, which in addition grants him better attack speed according to his right punch passive □.


Sett’s W □ can be said to be his most important skill, thus maxed first. Having his secondary resource bar (Grit) solely designed for his W□ ability, Sett completely consumes all accumulated Grit and blasts an area in a target direction while granting him a decaying shield. Enemies hit through the CENTER takes additional attack damage + TRUE DAMAGE. The more Grit used results in higher damage and a thicker SHIELD. Getting hit as a result might cause fatal damage, therefore opponents of Sett should try to avoid or watch out for this ability, as Sett players will try to save this ability to make a potential outplay/surprising burst.


Sett’s E □is similar to that of Zac’s pull □, where the requirement of stunning the targets is to affect at least 1 enemy on each side. Hence, trying to not stand parallel to friendly units behind Sett would be a better idea to avoid the stun.


Since Sett’s ultimate R □ is unstoppable and does AOE damage, teammates except the targeted player should avoid being around the effective area.


As an engaging ability, Sett is more than likely to impact upon the middle of the enemy team, in this scenario CC can be set/ readied when he is about to land in destination in order to prevent his upcoming combos/ abilities and punish him for the ruthless engagement (Crowd controls such as Soraka’s E □, Vayne’s E □,  Morgana’s Q □, Alistar’s Q □ and the like are all great ways of disturbing Sett after his R □ engagement )


Last but not least, according the last detailed description of his ultimate □:

The dash will prematurely end upon reaching a wall that cannot be dashed through.

Players can stay near structures or wall to minimize the displacement of Sett’s R □, hence, maintaining a more proper position in a team fight or laning phase.





Champion Counters

As a top lane bruiser with considerable sustain, Sett’s laning opponent should try to also choose champions who can out-sustain Sett, so her can’t boss you around. The following champions also have great sustain passives/abilities, making them ideal for out-laning Sett.

Another approach would be mobile champions who are able to poke while kiting, since Sett doesn’t have any dashes besides his Q□ movement speed short boost.


Having a great passive that Heals her every time the tentacles or her W□ hits an enemy champion or E spirit □. As a powerful melee fighter, Illaoi chugs down enemy’s HP bar which is substantially increased the more tentacles via enemy champions in range. As a result, this gives Sett a hard time to engage in close range and out-damages him even if he attempts to engage. Finally, the various generation source of tentacles (via: E□, passive□, or R□), provide a longer range poke and can pressure Sett into forcing his W□ shield before actually fighting, giving Illaoi an advantage.

*Keep in mind to stay in range of Illaoi’s tentacles and spirit for maximized damage, as Sett might try to displace her with his ultimate R□.


His axe Q□ pretty much runs down/destroys champions who don’t have any dashes or ways to disengage. Also, his passive□ and W□ grants him remarkable attack speed and heal, the lower his HP drops. Any CC can just be negated with his R□, while increasing his movement speed along with AD, making Olaf one of the best duelists in the game. Last but not least, Olaf’s E□ does targeting true damage immediately without any delay, unlike Sett’s W (where there’s a short cast time and the true damage is only dealt through the center). The E□ true damage scales with AD, instead of HP (Sett’s W□ scales with Grit, which scales with HP).


Being a ranged champion in normal form gives Gnar the advantage to poke during laning phase and wear Sett out. Upon reaching Enraged Beast Mode from all the fury built up poking Sett, Gnar not only gains additional health and AD, but also becomes powerful in melee combat. With the multiple advantages plus a disengaging skill E□, Gnar can easily out-lane Sett.

Counter Tips

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    Use a spell block shield (or anything that can stop him) to Sett’s target. (i.e. Morgana Q, Sivir E, Mordekaiser, Fiora)
